June 28th The Sacred Heart in the Tabernacle by Rev. R.F. Clarke, S.J.
Where shall we find a better proof of the love
of the Sacred Heart for man than in the Blessed
Sacrament of the Altar? He was not satisfied with
proving His love for men by His Sacrifice on the
Cross, but He must needs prolong that Sacrifice
for all time. There is no moment in which He is
not still offering Himself upon some altar to show
that He loves us as much as ever. Nor is this all. When He ascended into Heaven, He promised that He would send the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, to abide for ever with His disciples. But, as it were by some Divine afterthought. He seemed not to be satisfied by thus sending the Holy Spirit to take His place. He determined to remain amongst those He loved. In every tabernacle He waits and watches for the visits of His faithful children, longing for them to come and talk to Him and tell Him their troubles and their needs, their joys and sorrows, their hopes and fears; and He is always ready to listen to and comfort them and to grant their prayers. Yet, alas! How often is He neglected. His loving Heart longs for someone to come and hold converse with Him, but how often It looks and longs in vain for hours, or it may be for days. How have I treated Jesus in the tabernacle? Do I pay Him little visits of love when I can and tell Him how I love Him, and wish to love Him more? |